How To Make Deep Fried Macaroni & Cheese Recipe | Dopehome

How To Make Deep Fried Macaroni & Cheese Recipe

How To Make Deep Fried Macaroni & Cheese Recipe

Macaroni and cheese. It’s a food that boasts immense power in its ability to conjure up memories both old and new. One’s youth, that night you were higher than Benjamin Franklin’s kite, or a recent attendance at gorgefest 2017. These are memories we collectively share when we reminisce on the fabled mac n cheese.

I’m here today to show you how you can take it a step further, set the stun gun to 11 folks because you’re about to be, err.. stunned.

See below.

Deep Fried Macaroni And Cheese Bites

That’s right, look a little closer now..

Deep Fried Macaroni And Cheese Bites

That’s it. Golden, crunchy, creamy, garlic-y, oozing delicious Dorito crusted nectar of the Gods.

I hear you ask, but kind sire, how doeth I create such a marvelous monstrosity?

Read forth my peasant and share with me in the artery clogging, high-blood pressure, endorphin releasing goodness that is deep fried macaroni and cheese.


  • Packaged macaroni and cheese
  • Some garlic
  • Pack of Dorito chips

Step 1 - Cook the macaroni and cheese according to the instructions on the packet.

Deep Fried Macaroni And Cheese Bites

Step 2 - Spoon the cooked macaroni and cheese into ice cube trays

Deep Fried Macaroni And Cheese Bites

Step 3 - Place skewers in the mac n cheese cubes and place in the freezer.

Deep Fried Macaroni And Cheese Bites

Allow to cool for 8 hrs minimum. Then you should have something like this.

Deep Fried Macaroni And Cheese Bites

Step 4 - Batter Up!

Follow these steps:

  • Flour
  • Egg
  • Dorito crumbs
  • Egg
  • Dorito Crumbs


Deep Fried Macaroni And Cheese Bites Deep Fried Macaroni And Cheese Bites Deep Fried Macaroni And Cheese Bites Deep Fried Macaroni And Cheese Bites Deep Fried Macaroni And Cheese Bites

Step 5 - Deep Fry

Deep Fried Macaroni And Cheese Bites

Step 6 - Resist the urge to inhale all at once

Deep Fried Macaroni And Cheese Bites Deep Fried Macaroni And Cheese Bites